Nicotine Prescriptions

Browse and order nicotine vape pods and e-liquids.

Find your preferred nicotine vape pods and e-liquids just like you normally do.

Please note that no prescription is required for the purchase of devices or products without nicotine.

When placing your order, either upload your prescription or respond to the order confirmation email ([email protected]) after your order is submitted.

Need a prescription? Check out these options


Quit Clinics
12 month prescription 
in less than 24 hours. Get it!


Medical Nicotine
Pay less than $85.00 for
a 12 month prescription. Get it!

Relax while we process your order! Once your order is dispatched via DHL Express, you’ll receive a shipping confirmation. *Please be aware that if you don’t provide a prescription within 7 days of placing your order, it will be canceled.Starting from September 29, 2021, all Australian customers must furnish a prescription from an Australian registered doctor for the import of nicotine products. This new regulation goes into effect in Australia on October 1, 2021. For more details on importing nicotine vaping products into Australia, you can visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website here.
18+ Only

Products on this website are only appropriate for those who are at least 18 years old. Only if you are at least eighteen years old can you click Enter.